
Do you have the knowingness in your soul that you are capable of so much more?

Do you have that feeling, that knowing that the abundance is right here all around you yet there's something that's blocking you from receiving it fully? Are your doubts and fears overwhelming you? Deep inside you know that you're capable of achieving anything you want.

Are you looking to feel more abundant in your life, whether that’s having deeper more meaningful relationships or making money doing what you love?

Anat Chandally coaching opportunities, painting and mountains

rediscover yourself, your goals, your dreams

My name is Anat and my passion is to help you achieve the life that makes you the happiest, and to go for it with open arms and zero apologies. You deserve the best life pursuing the natural gifts you’ve been given. And yes, this is 100% possible. I believe that each and every person has their own unique gifts to share with the world. ​

I'm a Charcoal Photorealism Artist and jeweler (Safta Jewelry) and have my work sold in stores and online. 

Anat Chandally painting

I used to live a life where I felt completely lost, and with no sense of direction or confidence.

I'm currently living my best all across the world as a life coach and professional artist. My passion is to share my knowledge and wisdom with you, and to help others achieve their wildest dreams. I wouldn't be where I am today it wasn't for the help, guidance and teachings of my coaches, the programs I've enrolled in, the self-study, traveling solo to eight countries around the world, and allowing myself fully to step into my greatness unapologetically. I studied with some of the people I admire most, such as Gabby Bernstein, Marie Forleo, and Tara Moraleda.

Through our work together, I hold a safe container for you to rediscover yourself, your goals, your dreams and will guide you in the process of actualizing it. I provide you with the space to feel your true essence again. I ask you questions you’ve never been asked before because there is true power in the questions we ask ourselves and the thoughts we allow ourselves to think. We’ll spark up your imagination and creativity to help you come back to your highest self—your real self.

Coaching Client Photo for Anat Chandally, Elisabeth in Maui

"Anat created such a beautiful safe space for us to discuss my blockages and fears keeping me from my full potential.

She began the session by opening with a peaceful focus guided meditation (by her). Her voice is so soft and heart warming I dropped into a deep space of relaxation and gratitude. From there we discussed my dreams and obtainable goals. Anat was wonderful at keeping me focused and she was totally prepared with fantastic questions that allowed me to explore my visions on a deeper level. She never lost focus even when I strayed with thoughts. She kept me super present with the activity we were doing based on feeling inwards rather that reaching outwards. Anat gifted me with some really fantastic insights and words of wisdom in reminding me how fully gifted and abundant I am. Afterwards, Anat guided me through a closing meditation. Again, so smooth and loving my mind, body and spirit totally relaxed and filled with a new perspective. Mahalo Anat for not just kindling my fire but igniting my flame!!

 I highly recommend Anat's coaching!"

-Elisabeth Dreshaj, Maui, Hawaii

Are you ready for a life transformation and to dig deep?

My clients often experience breakthroughs. I deeply honor the process of helping you remember your unique gifts and pursue them with excitement. You deserve a magnificent life, and I’d be honored to help you remember your unique gifts.

During sessions we work organically to tailor to your unique needs. Schedule your coaching session below.